
Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month 2012

Hello friends and readers.

May 2012 has been selected as World NF Awareness month for 2012. Guess what will happen in the month of May 2012? There will be many activities involved.

One of the activities will be Fancy Dress for NF, on Thursday, May 17th, 2012. The aim of this event is to create awareness Neurofibromatosis (NF1, NF2, NF3 & schwannomatosis) and to all work together to stop (& find cure) this common genetic condition being invisible and start it being a household name. You may click on this link and to know more about it:

With this annual event it will get bigger and better with more people involved each year, and wouldn't it be great to say you were involved from the beginning!

All you need to do is wear Fancy Dress on the 17th of May 2012 and tell people why. The more people who wear fancy dress (especially if you do it in a group somewhere people will see you) the more chance we have of having NF recognised and getting press. After the event please e-mail a photo of you in fancy dress to, the pictures will then be put to a vote with the top twelve photos being selected for a 2013 calendar.

Friday, 6 April 2012

A Celebration of Life foundation

Dear friends and readers. Do you remember last year, a public charitable foundation that Yvonne is setting up?

She is now working on it and she comes out with the name of the foundation "A Celebration of Life". Now, in order to promote this foundation, she'd like to create a logo to represent the foundation, something that the public can immediately identify and relate to. Are you good at graphics designing? If you are, would you like to help create a logo to celebrate life?

A Celebration of Life foundation will not only assist Neurofibromatosis patients in Malaysia financially. It will also inspire and encourage people to recognize the silver lining and the lessons behind their individual lives.

If you guys out there would like to design the logo with graphics designing, please get in touch with her through her e-mail Yvonnefmn(at)gmail(dot)com. At the same time, if you own a company or business, would you like to consider donating a gift to the volunteers who will help create this logo?

Noormawati is going back home from HUKM

Today, I read the information about Noorma (, that Noorma will be brought back home from HUKM because the doctor said that "there is nothing much they can do". Although I don't meet Noorma in person at the hospital, I know how she feels. At this moment, her husband and the family really needs support from you guys out there. Please, PRAY for her.